5 Shelters to Upgrade Your Business With for Autumn

September 12, 2024

As the cooler months approach, you may be thinking about some last-minute upgrades to your property. The transitional autumn period isn’t just about the changing leaves’ colours but about customer and employee behavioural changes. As the weather gets colder and wetter, people expect different things from service providers, businesses, and employers. They start spending more time inside, appreciate coverage from the cold fall rain, and start looking for vehicle coverage. Providing this comfort and protection becomes increasingly important to ensure customer satisfaction and employee well-being.

Investing in the right shelters is a proactive way to address these seasonal challenges. Shelters can transform how your business operates during the autumn months. Shelters offer practical solutions by protecting people and property from the elements and enhancing the aesthetic appeal of your business premises. They demonstrate a commitment to customer care and can significantly improve the overall experience for visitors and staff. They encourage customers to visit and stay longer, knowing they and their belongings are protected from adverse weather conditions. For employees, these shelters can provide necessary comfort during breaks or while performing outdoor duties, boosting morale and productivity.

Here are five types of shelters to consider this autumn.

Pram and Buggy Shelters

Stroller shelters are relatively inexpensive products that shelter your customers’ strollers by allowing them to park them somewhere safe and convenient. One of the biggest reasons to install one on your premises is convenience for users. Parents appreciate businesses that cater to their needs, especially when it comes to providing a secure and convenient place to store prams and buggies. Buggy shelters give parents the freedom to move around stores, which are necessary for shopping centres. They are also a great addition to schools and public buildings, offering protection from the rain and wind while keeping walkways clear. Installing these shelters shows that your business is family-friendly, which can enhance customer loyalty and attract more visitors.

Smoking Shelters

Autumn brings cooler temperatures and more frequent rain, making smoking an unpleasant experience for visitors and employees. Outdoor smoking areas that are not sheltered are decidedly less comfortable. Installing a smoking shelter ensures that smokers have a designated, weather-protected space, which can improve their experience while keeping them compliant with outdoor smoking regulations. By providing such an area for smoking, you can also ensure that your property stays tidy and trash-free; just make sure you provide appropriate bins to go along your smoking shelter.

These installations can be particularly beneficial in hospitality venues, workplaces, and public areas, where providing a comfortable space for smokers can enhance overall satisfaction.

One our blog you can also find more information on the best place to install a smoking shelter and a step-by-step guide on installing one.

Waiting Shelters

As the weather turns colder, waiting shelters are a must-have at bus stops, taxi ranks, and employee pickup points. These shelters offer protection from the elements, ensuring customers and employees can wait comfortably for transportation. By installing waiting shelters, you can improve the experience of those who visit or work at your business, making it a more attractive and accommodating place.

Businesses and public buildings that provide their visitors with comfort have improved experiences and are more likely to return. Happy customers mean happy businesses. Good outdoor waiting areas can translate into higher customer satisfaction and increased foot traffic, which results in better business performance and brand perception. Waiting areas are also often used by staff, so the benefits are not just for customers.

You can read more about how to create a comfortable outdoor waiting area on our blog.

Bicycle § Vehicle Shelters

Parking is another area where you could consider improving existing infrastructure. Sheltering vehicles is a good way to make customers, visitors, and employees feel valued and taken care of. Car shelters are a good choice for low-traffic parking needs where only a few vehicles need to be accommodated, and motorbike shelters are a popular choice to keep multiple motorcycles safe and dry.

Bike shelters are another product increasing in demand. As more people opt for cycling, providing a safe, weather-protected place to park bikes is crucial. Bicycle shelters encourage eco-friendly transportation but also reduce the risk of theft. By offering a designated space for cyclists, your business will be providing a place where bicycles can be kept dry and secure during autumn’s unpredictable weather.

Entrance Canopies

Entrance canopies are a practical addition to any building and business, providing protection from rain, wind, and snow. They make buildings naturally attractive spaces where people run to if a downpour catches them outside. They are especially important in places where people may need to queue outdoors or wait long to enter.

These canopies shield customers and employees as they enter or exit your premises, making their experience more pleasant. They also help keep entryways dry and safe, reducing the risk of slips and falls. As autumn brings unpredictable weather, investing in a canopy is a strategic way to safeguard your business while adding an aesthetic and functional upgrade. An entrance canopy can add a professional and welcoming touch to your business, particularly in retail, hospitality, and office environments.

Investing in shelters for your business this autumn is more than just a practical decision—it’s a way to enhance the overall experience for customers and employees. From pram and buggy shelters to entrance canopies, each of these structures addresses seasonal challenges, such as unpredictable weather and the need for increased comfort. By providing protection from rain, wind, and cold, these shelters ensure safety and convenience and demonstrate a commitment to customer care. Ultimately, they improve satisfaction, increase foot traffic, and help your business thrive throughout the cooler months.

Shelter Store Team

Shelter Store is the UK's leading supplier of smoking shelters, canopies, walkways and street furniture. Follow us on LinkedIn.