How Pram Shelters Improve Customer Experience in Commercial Spaces

August 23, 2024

Retail, by nature, is competitive, and businesses are constantly looking for ways to differentiate themselves from their competitors. This, of course, can be done by offering new products and services, but one of the quickest ways to win new and retain old customers is simply to improve their experience. Enhancing customer experience is crucial, and an often overlooked but quite impactful addition to a business is that of a pram or buggy shelter. These shelters provide a safe and convenient place for parents to store prams while shopping, significantly improving their overall experience.

What Are The Benefits of Pram Shelters

Convenience for Parents

Stroller shelters are inexpensive products that aim to protect your customers’ prams by allowing them to park them somewhere safe and convenient. The top reason to install one on your premises is convenience for users. These shelters give parents the freedom to move around the store or stores, in the case of retail parks or malls.

Leaving a bulky pram somewhere secure is a great way to ensure you won’t be navigating aisles with your tinny 4-wheeled vehicle. This may sound counterintuitive as parents often use prams to be able to walk longer distances with small kids. However, at that age, toddlers often have a mind of their own and prefer to keep practising their walking skills, leaving mom or dad with a conundrum – how to keep pushing a pram and hold a child’s hand simultaneously whilst also trying to shop. Providing parents with the option to park their stroller safely is a great way to reduce their stress, free their hands, and allow them to shop more easily.

Increased Foot Traffic

Businesses are always striving to attract new clients and keep old ones happy. Increasing foot traffic is a must for anyone wanting to stay in business, and ensuring families feel included and welcomed should be a core part of your strategy. Retail spaces with family-friendly amenities like pram shelters are more likely to attract parents with young children. Parents are usually under enough stress when out and about with their little ones that they appreciate even more any business which thoughtfully caters to their needs.

Having the option to leave a pram behind and worry about one thing less is a good way to attract foot traffic and keep it in your shop. With the convenience of pram shelters, parents are likely to spend more time shopping.

Enhanced Security

Just like with any other vehicle, providing parking for buggies needs to fulfil several conditions – it should be safe, secure and protective from the weather if it is located outdoors. One of the things parents worry about is leaving their prams unattended, which may sound easier than it actually is because once your toddler runs off, the quickest thing to do is leave your pram and chase after them. This can lead to parents abandoning their buggies for a few minutes, and having a secure shelter that they can use to park their pram in would be very helpful.

Having a pram shelter also means that parents can leave their strollers somewhere safe and weather-protected. This will give them peace of mind that their property will remain dry and clean while shopping.

Community Appeal

Another benefit of having a pram shelter is that it is an easy way to tell your customers and the community around you that you care about families and kids. Installing pram shelters promotes a family-friendly image, appealing to a broader customer base. It also adds to your inclusivity credentials as providing amenities for parents shows that the commercial space values all customers, fostering loyalty and positive word-of-mouth.

How Do Different Businesses Benefit From Them

Shopping Malls

For shopping malls, having a buggy shelter means higher foot traffic from families on weekends and holidays. It also means more visits from parents on maternity leave during the week. Shopping malls usually have many stores and restaurants, so having a place to park your pram means parents don’t need to worry about fitting the pram into the narrower aisles of some shops or taking up space between the restaurants’ tables. Parents can spend more time browsing and shopping, but rest assured that even if they don’t use the provided parking for their buggies, they will note it and appreciate that the business has thought about their needs.


Providing parents with the option to leave their prams outside in a safe and secure shelter is a great way to attract parents as customers and impress them enough to have them return. Supermarkets with pram shelters often see improved customer satisfaction, as parents find it easier to shop without the hassle of manoeuvring prams through narrow aisles. Parents are also more likely to become repeat customers with access to convenient amenities. Once again, even if they don’t take advantage of them, they will start seeing your business in a positive light as they will regard it as a family-friendly shop, which is an excellent way to foster customer loyalty.

Retail Parks

Retail parks are, by nature, spread out and have some outdoor spaces, making them ideal places for buggy shelters. Installing some on your retail park premises is an excellent way to enhance customer satisfaction among parents. These shelters allow parents to securely leave their prams while they shop, making the experience more enjoyable and stress-free. Less stressed families are more likely to spend more time shopping aided by the dedicated pram shelters, as they can navigate stores and eateries without the hassle of managing a pram.

Parents are also more likely to return to retail parks that provide thoughtful amenities like pram shelters, fostering customer loyalty and positive reviews.

Pram shelters are a simple yet effective way to enhance the shopping experience for parents. They can increase foot traffic, extend shopping times, and create a positive, family-friendly image for commercial spaces. By prioritising customer convenience and security, businesses can create a welcoming environment that caters to the needs of all customers.

Shelter Store Team

Shelter Store is the UK's leading supplier of smoking shelters, canopies, walkways and street furniture. Follow us on LinkedIn.